To choose several options keep the key "Ctrl" in the fields "Microdistrict" and "Type of apartment". If nothing is chosen, the search won't be made by these criteria.
To search intersections of the streets choose two streets, one street from the North and one from the East. If the found variants don't match you, select the area limited by 4 streets, spreading the limits by two or more streets in the both sides. A search will be made in the marked area.
You can search whether by "Microdistricts" or by "Streets", but not together.
If you press on the heading of the element (ex.: “Quantity of the rooms”), you can sort selected options by the increase or decrease in a suitable filed.
For registration of the rent application,, mark suitable options on the current page in the column "@", then press "To add" make the same operation on the other pages, after press "Register" and fill in the application. The price, and presence of an object can be changed without any preliminary notice.